Introduction to Ansible

6 minute read


I have a few different devices on my home network and I want to keep them up to date. This is great, but it takes too much time to update all of these devices as frequently as I would like to. To solve this problem, I want to automate that process. Looking through my options, ansible seemed like the way to go.

Ansible is an open-source IT automation platform built on top of python and run by Red Hat. It’s agentless, pretty simple to use, highly customizable, and leveraged by many enterprises to manage large numbers of devices. This last point gives an added bonus: on top of making life easier for my home environment, knowing how to use Ansible can be a good skill to have professionally as well.

Ansible uses “playbooks” for its automation scripts. In reality, a playbook is a YAML file that ansible will run through sequentially and determines the configurations for the actions it takes.

In this post, I’ll go over the process of installing and setting up ansible so you can start building your own playbooks. In my next post, I’ll walk through the playbook that I built to automate updating my homelab infrastructure.

Installing Ansible


Installing Ansible is pretty simple, but there are a few pre-requisites to consider:

  1. You’ll need to have python and its package manager, pip, installed.

  2. Windows is not natively supported as a control node (i.e. the device with ansible installed on it), so you’ll either need to use a machine running linux, or you’ll need to install and set up Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


Now onto the actual installation. To do this in the most universal way, we’ll simply use pip to install ansible. Open up your linux terminal (ex. bash) and run:

pip install ansible

Here are some other things you may need to do:

  1. If you’re using WSL and get an error like Error: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too long, you can open the registry editor application, navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem, and set LongPathsEnabled to 1 instead of 0.

  2. If you get a warning during the install that says something like WARNING: The scripts [...] are installed in <DIRECTORY NAME> which is not on PATH, you can permanently add this folder to your PATH variable by adding the following lines to the end of your ~/.bashrc file

     #Add to the path for ansible scripts

    Make sure to replace <DIRECTORY NAME> with the directory in the warning. Then to apply this new setting, just run

     source ~/.bashrc

Set Up the Environment

I authenticate to devices on my network using SSH keys. I decided that I wanted to give ansible its own SSH key that I would then distribute to all of my devices. You might decide that you want to just use password authentication, share your existing keys with ansible, or create a separate key for each device. All of these are totally valid options depending on your personal risk tolerance.

Here’s how I set up my key and distributed it.

Generate an SSH Key

Generate a new SSH key by running


Choose a filename and location for the key and give it a passphrase if you so wish. I saved my key as ~/.ssh/ansi and gave it a strong passphrase using a password generator like this one.

This will create two files. The one that we specified is the private key. Additionally, a file in the same directory with the same name and a .pub extension will be created (for me, ~/.ssh/ This is our public key. If we run cat <path to public key>, it will show us the public key. It should look like this

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCvH+GMBogxYe/xKrE3apC7yWHQFjpb47Yssy[...]

We’ll copy this whole thing to a notes file for the next step.

Distribute the Key to the Devices

Now it’s just a matter of getting this new key to the devices we want to manage.

To do this, you can either use ssh-copy-id or manually log into your device (using whatever method you’d prefer) and add the public key you wrote down earlier to the end of the appropriate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. I just added the key to the default user on each of my devices, but feel free to create a new user specifically for ansible if you’d prefer. Linux Handbook has a good how-to on all of this if you’re new to it.

Repeat the process for all of the devices you want to manage with Ansible.

Ansible Connection Test

Now we’ll make sure everything’s working. To do that, we’ll set up a connection test.

Set Up the Inventory File

First, we need to create an inventory of the devices we want to test a connection to.

Start by creating a new directory

mkdir ansible_connection_test

move into that directory

cd ansible_connection_test

and start a new file called inventory.ini

nano inventory.ini

We’ll create a group of hosts called hosts and list all of the devices we want to test under it, along with the name of the user that we added the SSH key to earlier. The file should look like this

server1.local	ansible_user=server1_user
server2.local   ansible_user=server2_user
server3.local	ansible_user=server3_user

Run the Test

Now we can run our connection test.

We’ll start by firing up ssh-agent so we don’t have to specify the private key and passphrase over and over again. Run

eval `ssh-agent -s`

Then we’ll add our private key file to ssh-agent

ssh-add '<path to private key>'

Enter the passphrase for the key if you set one.

Now, to run our connection test all we need to do is run

ansible hosts -m ping -i inventory.ini

Note: If you get any warnings saying that the authenticity of a host can’t be established, just type “yes” and continue on. If you have multiple hosts, you may have to type this multiple times and it may break ansible’s output formatting a bit. Saying “yes” here will add these hosts to a known hosts file on your device so it won’t be asked about again.

We should get back something like this (one of these per device we’re testing)

server01.local | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Setting up a Vault for Secure Variables

Some of my devices require a password in order to elevate privileges. Of course, updating a system requires elevated privileges. As a result, I need to include those passwords in my ansible configuration somehow. However, I don’t want to include them in plaintext on my disk for security reasons. At the same time, I don’t want to be bothered with typing in those passwords each time. Instead, what I can do is set up an ansible vault. Ansible vault lets us encrypt sensitive data when not in use.

Our vault needs to be saved to a specific location to be used. Start with your terminal in the directory where you’ll ultimately want to save your playbook.

Now we’ll create some new directories

mkdir group_vars
cd group_vars
mkdir all
cd all

This will set up this directory structure


We should now be in the all directory. To set up our vault, we’ll run

ansible-vault create vault.yml

After we set up our vault password it will open up a text editor (by default, vi, though this can be changed by setting an EDITOR environment variable) where we can then enter our sensitive variables into the vault using YAML syntax. The syntax should look like this

variable_name_1: value1
variable_name_2: value2

Now we can use this vault to include these sensitive variables in our ansible configuration files. In our desired case of adding sudo (or “become”) passwords for ansible to use, we can add the ansible_become_pass variable to the line for for the device in our inventory using templating, like this

server1.local   ansible_user=server1_user   ansible_become_pass='{{variable_name_1}}'

Now when we run our ansible playbook ansible will use our vault to dynamically insert the sudo password into the inventory. We just need to make sure to pass our ansible command the --ask-vault-pass flag so it can prompt us for the password to decrypt the vault.


From here, we can start to create playbooks. In my next post, I’ll walk through the playbook that I created to update my homelab infrastructure.
